Bolting software

HYTORC Flange Calculator, HYTORC Flange Manager and the HYTORC App

HYTORC Flange Manager

HYTORC has created a modern Flange Manager, the gold standard of bolted joint integrity management software. HYTORC Flange Manager software comes with built-in intelligence, it allows minimal inputs and errors while enabling maximum flange management efficiency and “right first time” results. Fully auditable calculations are traceable to the latest industry standards and guidelines. HYTORC Flange Manager software offers a unique level of assurance for all HYTORC customers and sales staff.


Announcing the new and fully redesigned HYTORC app! Available for both iOS and Android, the new HYTORC app streamlines all of our product details and documentation. As well as new training videos and a HYTORC locator. Download it today on the app store or google play store.

The Official HYTORC App gives you instant access to torque charts, safety and operational videos, product manuals, service center locations and our comprehensive bolt load calculator.

The calculator recommends the best torque values and bolt loads for your job as well the recommended bolting pattern based on the bolting system you are using and the number of tools on the job.


HYTORC Connect

HYTORC Connect enables wireless data exchange between the Lithium Series II and a Windows PC using Bluetooth. The app provides an easy connection to the tool and a means to enter bolting parameters on the PC and transfer them to the tool to speed up the installation of bolted connections. HYTORC Connect allows you to manage all the detailed bolting results on the PC, where the documentation can be organized, viewed and saved.

HYTORC Connect can be downloaded free of charge from the Microsoft Store.

HYTORC Torque Calculator

The HYTORC Torque Calculator is a useful tool to calculate how much torque is needed to get a certain preload into a bolted joint. Fill in the form below to download the application.

Request HYTORC Torque Calculator