Avanti with interconnectable reaction fixture

Very accurate bolt load with minimum side load. > 99% accuracy.

Application: Rotor brackets generator

HYTORC tooling: Avanti in combination with the Boltsafe bolt load measurement system.

Old method: new application

Problem: very hard to find a suitable reaction point, high accuracy was needed.

Benefits: Very accurate bolt load with minimum side load. > 99% accuracy.

Avanti + Bolt Load Measurement System

Bolt load can be determined up to 99% accurate with help of the digital Boltsafe load cells. The interconnectable reaction arm reduces side load to a minimum and prevents any pinch hazards.

Reaction Fixture

The Avanti can easily be moved to the next bolt thanks to the unique spline axel. It is also possible to work with multiple tools at the same time.

Avanti + BoltSafe

Three Boltsafes were used simultaneously to measure bolt loads. This gives valuable insights on how the other bolts react when only one bolt is tightened.